Friday, January 22, 2010

Our New Bathroom

Every month Matt and I give ourselves an allotted amount of personal spending money that we affectionately call our "allowance." It's fun to see the strange and sometimes offended looks I get when I mention that I got that new shirt/book/bag with my allowance. I have to explain (quickly, before the feminine beast I'm chatting with is aroused) that Matt takes an allowance, too, and we both get the same amount, and it is a great financial tool in our marriage. Personally, I love the allowance system. It is guilt free spending money. If I have my eye on a new dress I don't have to check our budget, I don't have to ask my husband, I don't have to deal with the feeling of guilt attached to whether or not this is a "responsible" purchase, I just get the dress. When the allowance is gone, it's gone, and there is no more personal spending until next month.

So this month I decided to use my allowance to pick up some accessories to get our bathroom organized. None of this would be classified as a need in our house, hence the allowance. Well, my purchases quickly led to a vision for a minor remodel of our master bathroom, and Matt was quick to jump on board after we got a Home Depot gift card for Christmas. My brother-in-law, Steve, drove down from Fort Collins last weekend and helped (and by helped I mean did the whole thing) us paint, hang, and electrify(?)! Check out the before and after shots below.






It's amazing what a coat of paint can do! Now for some white and gray bath towels...
Thanks for all your help, Steve!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that looks so much better! It is amazing what a little paint can do but I think the best improvement was changing out the light fixture (but shouldn't it be hanging with the lights pointing down?). Either way, the old light that looked like it belonged in a lab needed to go and the style of the new one looks great!


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