Thursday, January 14, 2010


Suffering is a common theme in life lately, it seems. I don't mean that to sound melodramatic, it's not my common experience lately, just a repeating theme in life's text. Matt is facing another surgery, he is studying Job in one of his seminary classes this quarter and I've decided to read through Job as well, we'll be discussing suffering at our next Junior/Senior/College monthly Bible study, and now Haiti.

Innocent suffering doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me (although then I really have to ask myself what makes a person innocent in the first place). Someone recently told me that suffering is a part of reality. The more we immerse ourselves in what is real in this life, the more we will experience suffering.

Matt was watching a documentary a few days ago about the atrocities going on in parts of Africa. I couldn't watch it with him. It was too much for me. Now, I can see how that might sound selfish at face value, but please allow me to explain. It's not that I don't care, or want to be numb, desensitized, or unaware of the suffering going on in the world. I just wonder, what difference does my awareness make if it is not partnered with action? Knowing about the hardships in Africa or Haiti doesn't change them. If anything it only gives me a false sense of gratification because I've made myself "aware."

I have felt powerless and helpless in the face of the Haitian earthquake. I sit here at my computer comfortably, in a beautiful home that is not caving in on itself, and what can I do about Haiti except watch in sickness and sadness? That's how I felt as of last night. But this morning I see that many of my friends are donating to organizations that are on the ground there trying to help. My first thought about donating was, "Yeah but that's so impersonal. What difference does my money make?" A LOT! I was reminded of when Matt went through his first hip surgery, how people came around us and paid our bills and paid our medical expenses and bought us groceries, and how absolutely personal it felt to be taken care of in the way that we most needed at the time. We didn't need a greeting card (although those were nice, too), we needed tangible help.

So this morning Matt and I made a donation to World Vision relief efforts. I don't say that to fluff my own pillow. Only to say, if this is what I can do, and if this is how I can help, then I'll do it. It is one small gesture that will be added to a lot of other small gestures and hopefully result in some BIG help for the Haitian people. Money moves things. Money gets things done. Money can bring change. Money holds an enormous amount of power. Since we have it in this country, let's give it. Here are links to websites where you can donate. I want to encourage you to give TODAY.
(I still can't figure out how to post a click-able link)

"Let us not love with words and tongue, but with actions and in truth."
1 John 3:18

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